Welcome to the WNLD website
Home for progressive politics in West Northants
We all welcome the change in government after the recent General Election. The Liberal Democrats did brilliantly, wiining all but one of their target seats (unfortunately this was Godalming - where Jeremy Hunt spent a at least £100,000 of his own money and skipped the unspeakably poor Tory national campaign to campaihn in his constituency)
Locally our candidates were pleased with their campaigns - they all retained their deposit whuch is great for our finances, and, in a shoirtened campaign, made great impressions on the voters they could meet in person. A big thank you to Jonathan Harris, Jill Hope, Chris Leggett and Stewart Tolley and their teams
Don't lose your say.
The GE is done and dusted but next year we have Council elections. Click the button below for links to the government website for Registration, selecting a postal vote and arranging a proxy if you are unable to get to your poling station
Make sure your vote counts
Links to government website for voter registration, Postal and Proxy application
Lib Dems select Ana Savage Gunn as our PFCC candidate
There is an election on 2nd May 2024 for Northamptonshire's Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner. Find out all about our excellent candidate
Carl Squires is the brand new councillor for East Hunsbury and Shelfleys. Congratulations to Carl and all his constituents
Meet Ed Davey
Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Ed Davey is a husband, a father and a carer. He is the Leader of the Liberal Democrats.
It is Ed’s experience of caring that drives much of his politics, and motivates his tireless campaigning for a fair deal.
Learn more about Ed
Our people
Meet our representatives and candidates.